About Flightfield Drone Services, LLC
"See Your World Differently"
Flightfield Drone Services, LLC was founded in May 2021. Over the past 27+ years, I have been involved in many different types of construction projects. After high school, I started working for a contractor constructing platform-framed homes of all types and sizes. Within a couple of years, this contractor became well known for the quality builds and relocated to a larger city. I decided to stay where I was and started working for a concrete contractor specializing in flatwork and foundations. After four years of carpentry and concrete work, I had an excellent foundation for what goes into building a home. In 1998, I was offered a job as a survey crew member at a local engineering firm. During the next 22+ years at this firm, I engaged in projects ranging from legal surveys to heavy construction. This involved managing survey crews, reading engineering and architectural design plans, reporting and fixing issues with the plans, drafting and processing data, much manual labor, and many other responsibilities. I have always treated clients as I would expect to be treated and have been known to go to great lengths to give my clients the best service I can. Sometimes, this would mean waking up at 3:00 a.m. and getting home at 10:00 p.m. to save the client travel costs on additional days. I was able to make many friends over this time, and some clients requested me specifically due to my work ethic. As time went on, technology grew fast. Eventually, this firm will start to incorporate sUAS into its surveys. Soon after, I became a Certified Commercial sUAS pilot. This had me conducting flights across the State for 3D surfaces, 3D models, corridor surveys, landfill volumes, orthomosaics, and much more. Once flights were completed, I would post-process the data for volume computations, 3D models, and other engineering and architectural deliverables. Being outdoors for most of this career and my life, I acquired a hobby for photography. This meshed well with the sUAS and led me to purchase my own sUAS based on its camera quality and functionality. I would soon find that I would be using my sUAS to conduct missions for the engineering firm I worked for.
In 2020, this firm and I went our separate ways. I was immediately offered a job helping a Colorado forensic engineering and animation firm. They brought me aboard with a 6-month contract to help with the survey, drafting, structural inspection, and, to their surprise, conduct aerial inspections of the high-end community consisting of 15, 5-unit Townhomes. Using my sUAS to record the exterior conditions of the structures, I was able to save the engineers valuable time and the client's money. I was able to provide the engineers with a clear picture of defects they would not have seen otherwise. This proved to be beneficial for all parties involved. The engineers could easily zoom into areas they could not see from the ground level with the data I provided. This would lead to finding defects such as missing window flashing, additional cracking in the hardcoat stucco, roof vents with improper heights, and much more. We were able to spot several dangerous defects in the roof tiles that were not seen from the ground level or ladder. After reviewing the footage and what they had already witnessed, the engineers determined a full roof replacement was needed on all the townhomes. This was well beyond the project scope but deemed necessary due to the safety issues it presented. This may not have happened had we not used my sUAS to conduct the aerial inspections. While performing the interior and structural inspections, we were able to verify defects noted in previous engineers reports and find many additional defects. This all led to helping the engineers prioritize defects, provide the best solutions, and deliver an outcome that made the clients extremely happy. These clients also received peace of mind knowing that their safety and investment are among the top priorities of this forensic engineering and animation firm.
Providing a service to a client is not always about getting something done fast. It is not about doing the minimum because the best way is too complicated or expensive. It is not always about following how other people have done things in the past. It is about giving your client the best solution for their project. Sometimes, those solutions come by looking outside of the box. Sometimes, creating something new is the solution.
Working with that forensic engineering firm in Colorado made something click. I could help my community and surrounding communities back home by providing my knowledge and services in a way no one else has. With my background in construction, inspection, sUAS, a love of photography, and making clients happy, I had an idea. Why couldn't I incorporate all these services into one package?
Well, I can. And I did.
Soon after returning from Colorado, I created Flightfield Drone Services, LLC. I wanted to create a company that provided services to help people while doing things I truly enjoy. People who genuinely love their work will not leave you with a sub-par product or service. People who do not have a passion for their craft will show that in their quality of work. They may lose interest, take short cuts, or whatever it may be to get done with the work and quit for the day. You will never need to worry about this with Flightfield Drone Services, LLC. We know everyone has busy lives and different schedules. That is why we are available 7 days a week and certified through the FAA to conduct night flights. This means we can get the job done anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if necessary. What we offer is a wide range of services ranging from aerial photography and videography with RGB or thermal sensors, all the way to an unbiased Certified Home Inspection. We are here to help our clients with almost any project!
Contact Flightfield Drone Services, LLC, to see how we can help you
“See Your World Differently."
I hope to help you soon!
David Fiala, C.P.I. #20224