Real Estate Photography & Inspections
When using FDS imagery for real estate, you have increased your odds of closing the deal by adding eye-catching photos or videos of any property. With the ability to show potential buyers the location of nearby amenities and attractions, you give them a better idea of what they are investing in. Typically, homes and land are photographed from the client's perspective on the ground. With FDS, you get a whole new perspective and can show clients an accurate property layout. This can prove invaluable when selling property with a large acreage or along rivers and lakes. As a realtor, you may be thinking, why don’t I buy my own drone and get my own photos? Well, it isn’t that simple and will only get more complex. To fly a drone for commercial use, you must be a certified drone pilot through the FAA. The exam for this certification covers several areas of aviation, including but not limited to weather, airspace restrictions, and aviation physics. There are federal, state, and local restrictions that you must stay up to date on to ensure legal flights. You will also need to carry aviation insurance for your flights. When flying close to structures and obstacles, many possibilities can interfere with a flight. These range from the obvious, such as buildings and trees, to the not-so-obvious, such as wind shear and electromagnetic interference. It is always best to hire a trained pilot who can evaluate sites and stay under control if a situation arises. If you hire FDS, you are not just getting an FAA-certified pilot. You are getting a pilot who is a Certified Level 1 Top Operator through AUVSI’s (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International) Trusted Operator Program. This Certification is internationally recognized, and you can find our pilot, David, by clicking the AUVSI's Directory tab below and searching by name – David Fiala. AUVSI has established a system for quality control that goes beyond the basic legal requirements for becoming a drone pilot.
If you are ready to provide your clients with an outstanding service, click the tab below and start to "See Your World Differently."
Insurance Inspections
By deploying a FDS drone for an insurance inspection you can get quality photos and videos in RBG or thermal. Using FDS helps you to cover ground more efficiently, safely, and more accurately. This dramatically reduces the time it takes to process claims which is very important for people whose properties have been severely damaged. Sometimes when an insurance inspection is needed there has been an emergency or disaster. Safety around these areas is of utmost important when there could be downed powerlines, compromised gas lines, etc. FDS’s pilot is trained for these types of scenarios and all the drones have several built-in safety features. The drones built in safety features are important, but what’s more important is a competent and qualified pilot. FDS’s pilot, David, has training far beyond just the Part 107 training. David has completed additional training through the FAA and other agencies that you can view by clicking the tab below. Another bonus to contacting FDS is their pilot David is a nationally Certified Professional Home Inspector through InterNACHI, the world’s leading association for home inspectors. With this knowledge and other training, FDS can offer you peace of mind knowing that our pilot knows what to look for and will find defects and issues that other drone pilots can't. David is also a Level 1 sUAS Thermographer through the Infrared Training Center, the world leader in Infrared thermography training. He is also Infrared Certified through InterNACHI, the world’s leading association for home inspectors. With all of this training and more, David has been granted several Airspace Authorizations from the FAA in places where other pilots would not.
What if a hailstorm decimated a large portion of a corn field? Give FDS a call to fly the property and create an orthomosaic photo of the entire property. Using this photo and the data used to create this photo, FDS can provide accurate measurements for volumes and acreages. Why "eyeball" acreages from the ground when you can get up to date, to scale, aerial imagery with boundaries and total measurements displayed right in front of you? Having this data from FDS can help reduce disputes between owners and agents when all parties can clearly see the areas impacted. With the capability of onsite power, FDS can continuously fly missions while batteries are charging at the control station. This greatly increases efficiency on large acreages and decreases costs from downtime in the field waiting on batteries to charge.
Below is a gallery containing some orthomosaics FDS has created for clients. These high quality photos can be used for real estate, insurance, and many other purposes. Areas that can be captured range from a small lot with a home to a full section of land or more!!

Photostitched drone photos

Below is an example of an orthomosaic photo created from aerial photos. The photo on the left is a portion of the orthomosaic .jpg file at 100% zoom. The example on the right is zoomed in and shows the clarity you retain with orthomosaic photos provided by Flightfield Drone Services, LLC. Notice the clarity down to the pixel level. Click on either photo to open them in a larger window and see the detail even closer.

Click the tab below and contact us about your insurance inspections,
and "See Your World Differently."